Our story
"Life happens, sushi helps." Kobesushi's story begins with hardship in life, starting the business to make a living in Hamilton.
Since 2002
KobeSushi's Story
"Life happens, sushi helps."
KobeSushi started the journey as a sushi cafe. It was founded by Raymond and Wendy in Hamilton East, beginning as dine-in style, focusing on allowing customers to enjoy Japanese cuisine in the restaurant or on the go.

In 2009, we moved to Ward Street in the city center, shifting our focus to takeaway sushi to keep up with the changing world. Looking at the growth of Hamilton, we have acknowledge the need to change to appeal to our customer’s new fast-paced shopping behaviour. 10 years later, our latest store in Garden Place has opened with the option of takeaway and restaurant dine-in, giving the customers a choice to relax. Click here to see the surrounding environment. Even through the future seems uncertain in 2020, we always believe in “Life happens sushi helps”.
Our Vision
Keep it simple. Keeping quality sushi affordable to everyone.
Our Promise
With each sushi we sell, we guarantee a satisfying experience at a reasonable price. Everyone should have the opportunity for the sushi in anytime any situation in life.
Our Spirit
We foster trust and care among our customers and employees. We are always open to new challenges and opportunities to better serve our stakeholder.